
Things have been a little quiet on the site lately, and you would be forgiven for wondering whether I have lost interest in the NHS ePortfolio. You may have started to think that nothing is being achieved, and therefore not bothered to comment or contribute to the discussion.

Don’t believe it!

Progress may be slow, but real change takes time. Quick fixes are great and can have a major impact on functionality. Remember the problems with being unable to link to multiple curriculum items? Fixed! See the tech improvement shopping list for other modifications that have already happened. Quick fixes are also visible and keep up enthusiasm and morale. But they don’t address the route causes of problems and don’t change systems. Changing systems takes time.

A major breakthrough has been the creation of an ePortfolio reference group at the Royal College of Physicians. You can apply to be a member of this panel and get your voice heard directly by the College. Not a member of the RCP? Then ask your own College if they have a user group you can join. And if they don’t have one, ask why not. The systems imposed on trainees are currently not fit for purpose, and we need to make sure people in charge understand this.

Dont forget that NES, the group who run the NHS ePortfolio used by Physicians, Paediatricians and others, is holding feedback events. I’m sure that this is in no small part due to pressure from this site and discussions on Twitter. If you can, go along and make your voice heard.

People are listening.  I have meetings coming up with the Royal College of GPs who use a different ePortfolio system but share common needs. I am also having a follow-up meeting at the Royal College of Physicians. We must clarify the commissioning and costs of the ePortfolio in order to collaborate across Colleges and effect change. When money is scarce we need to make it go further. The Academy of Medical Royal Colleges Trainee Doctor Group are gathering data on the systems in use by all specialities which will be essential is informing this discussion.

It could be so much better! Please keep up your support.

4 responses to “Progress

  1. We are moving to upgraded hardware this evening which will hopefully make the site much faster. Especially during ARCP season.

  2. well doen LJ for making heard the voices of trainees!
    well done NES for taking on the feedback and acting on it!

  3. This post originally said “the software imposed on trainees is currently not fit for purpose” but I have now amended it to “the systems imposed on trainees are currently not fit for purpose” which I hope is a fairer reflection of the many areas which need addressing to maximise the potential of an ePortfolio to support trainee development. The software certainly has limitations, but these are intimately tied to the way in which the software is used and the assessment procedures embedded within it. It is great to see voices from all areas: trainees, trainers, Royal College representatives, NES, other developers, all contributing. I hope this continues. Collaboration is key.

  4. Pingback: News from the trenches | The NHS ePortfolio Revolution starts here

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